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Kunst- und Kulturhaus NEUNEINHALB

Gerberplatz 1
95444, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Screaming Bitches


Fr. 19. März 2010
um 20:30 Uhr


Kunst- und Kulturhaus NEUNEINHALB


Jazzforum Bayreuth e.V.

Any woman telling she’s never been acting bitchy is lying. This vocalensemble, created by four jazz singers, is drawing its inspiration and energy
from this very character of the female nature.

They mainly perform own compositions which are ridiculously absurd,
extremely beautiful, full of energy and absolutely sensuous. Here and there
you might find a trace of folk, cover or even free improvisation…

Sophie Tassignon – voice
Elena Dunkelman – voice
Anu Junnonen – voice
Jacobien Vlasman – voice